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Poongaar Healthmix 500gm

Poongaar Healthmix 500gm


Our health mix is carefully crafted using a blend of traditional grains, pulses, and millets, all sourced from trusted farmers who prioritize quality and sustainability.

What is Poongaar Health Mix?

Poongaar Health Mix is a power-packed combination of various grains, pulses, and millets, each chosen for its unique nutritional benefits. It is a versatile and easy-to-prepare mix that provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Nutritionally Rich:

We believe in the power of natural ingredients, and our Poongaar Health Mix reflects that philosophy. It is thoughtfully formulated to provide a wholesome and nutritious meal option. Packed with the goodness of whole grains like ragi (finger millet), kambu (pearl millet), and varagu (kodo millet), along with protein-rich pulses and legumes, our health mix offers a wide range of nutrients to support your well-being.


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Health Benefits:

By incorporating Poongaar Health Mix into your diet, you can enjoy a host of health benefits. The mix is high in dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a healthy gut. It is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and potassium, which are important for overall health and vitality. Additionally, the inclusion of millets and pulses makes it a good source of plant-based protein, supporting muscle health and providing sustained energy.


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